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Work | Eat | Watch TV | Sleep | Repeat.

Does anyone else out there feel like they are living through ‘Groundhog Day’ at the moment.

Yes, 'Groundhog Day', like the film. The tale of a weatherman forced to spend the same day repeatedly, and in doing so, learning to be a better person.

I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’m repeating the same day.

Work | Eat | Watch TV | Sleep | Repeat.

Repeating loop on images of work ,eat ,watch tv, sleep

Even if I replace the watching TV with video conferencing my friends or going for a walk, even my conversations seem to be repeating themselves.

They go something like this, you might recognize it.

“Hi, How are you?” “Well, you know.” “Been up to much?” “Not really, we can’t go anywhere.”

“Well, we have to do our bit for Covid…

…then the conversation normally descended into a moan about Covid, the restrictions and how we are managing it etc.

According to books like ‘Atomic Habits’ we know that developing habits are good for us. Routines helps us achieve things. I certainly feel great to be 6 lbs down on my health eating and exercise program in Jan.

However, this morning I’ve started to wondering about if there are any negative effects of habits or doing the same old routines.

The lancet published a paper back in Feb 2020 about the The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it. Overall, this review suggests that the psychological impacts of quarantine can be wide-ranging, substantial, and sometimes long lasting. The study mentions a variety of stressors or negative psychological effect; “significantly more likely to report exhaustion, detachment from others, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, poor concentration and indecisiveness, deteriorating work performance, and reluctance to work.” This might explain why colleagues and I have been talking about our recent lack of concentration and indecisiveness. Or the fact that when I’ve spoken to many of you recently you say you can’t get back into the swing of work this Jan like you normally do.

So how do we overcome these issues or at least minimize the negative impacts.

Let’s re-inspire ourselves and change it up a bit. Let’s keep ourselves busy and spending more time away from the TV/ screen.

Come on, let’s Shake it Up and try something new in our routines.

Here are some ideas #positiveNRG!

  • Try a new indoor hobby: didn’t you always want to learn how to use that posh camera you bought years ago or take up sewing/dress making. (For those of you who have started baking – I’ll send you my address!)

  • Formally learn something new: Got lost in a qualification you’ve always wanted to do.

  • Change your exercise routine: Try a new online trainer, go for a walk or play tag kids round the garden.

  • Read a new genre of book. Buy some trashy escape chick lit novel, get lost in a great triller or murder mystery.

  • Phone rather than video conference. Stay connected with your friends and family but may be phone rather than video call. Reducing your screen time might be helpful.

  • Volunteer to support someone else less fortunate. Pick up their shopping. Be on the end of the phone. Talk to your neighbors. Do some neighbor liter picking.

  • Stay optimistic.

  • Think of ways you can entertain others.

Time Out Magazine published 101 things to do at home last week…..they wanted to create the ultimate list of things to do indoors. From curated lists of the best movies and greatest podcasts to indoor fitness, online learning, games to play, amazing live-streams to tune in to, and some offbeat activities dreamed up by creative people around the world.

Whatever you do make sure you are connecting with to others. It’s been said shared experiences, going through the same situation with others can be a validating, empowering experience and can provide that little extra support people need.

As always, #teamNRG are here if anyone of you want to catch up. Just reach out.


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