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Where has the time gone?

red sand hour glass ontop of newspaper "Where has the time gone"

It's half term and like many of you I’m taking a little annual leave. I’m away in France, so I’ve passed this #WeeklyDigest to Caitlin.

It’s a special week for her, it’s her 1 year anniversary of coming to work with #TeamNRG.

In that year she has achieved so much – but enough from me – I’ll let Caitlin tell you all about it.

1 Year at NRG

“16th February marks my one year at The Nicola Rylett group. A year ago today, I would have never pictured where I am now and all the things I have achieved.

I join #teamNRG as part of the Government 6 month Kickstart Scheme a year after being let go from my retail job. Losing that job was a blessing disguised as a curse. The first week after I had lost my job I was not looking forward to the dreaded job hunting. However, that went away very quickly when Boris announced that we were going into a three-week lockdown. I remember how scary that was but some part of me was relieved and I could take the next 3 weeks to really think about what I wanted to do.

I studied Graphic Design and Interactive Media at College and had always wanted to use the skills I had learnt in a job role. Three weeks came and passed in locked down. I wish I could say I applied for 100s of Jobs but at that time not many roles that required graphic design were available. I said to myself if nothing comes up in 6 months then I will look at going into something different -Nursery nurse maybe? (Context- my Nan, Mum, and sister had all been/were nursery nurses)

Fast forward to the new year. I'm introduced to the Kickstart Scheme. It's not long until one job description sparks my interest.

Social Media Assistant at The Nicola Rylett Group.

Now if I'm being honest with you, I had never done any marketing/social media work other than posting to my own personal or my Art Social Media channels. However, there was one line that said " you will create engaging written or graphic content"

So, I took a chance, I even recorded a Video cover letter in hopes of standing out.

That chance undoubtedly paid off.

Over the year I've been with Nicola I've achieved so much. I've improved my work ethic, confidence, and skill.

My favourite things have been:

  • When Nicola got me to write a blog on the very first day - I wasn't much of a writer.

  • Postcard gate - the lesson about high standards. (Ask me and I’ll tell you all about it.)

  • "Fundamentals of Digital Marketing" Google Garage course - Introduced me to the world of marketing.

  • Designing a logo and then redesigning the logo for Be-A-Gamechanger. Getting to use skills I learned in college was one of my goals and doing this as well as making an animation was very rewarding. (Have a look at what I created here)

  • Work Trip to London - This was my first work trip and I learnt a lot about the process before you go and once you are there (also the Ferrero Rocher incident. Again ask me and I’ll try to explain.)

  • Passed my Driving test and have a car that I’m allowed to drive, like on the actual road, while other cars are on the road as well. – Nicola gave me the confidence and mindset to even want to try.

  • And all the opportunities that have come my way as a result of Nicola and The Nicola Rylett Group.

I’m excited to see what I achieve over the next year in my work and my personal life.”

Amazing Caitlin. I’m so proud of her and the work she has done over the last 12months. I’d be lost without her.

What might you achieve over the next 12months? What positive things will have happened to you because you are open minded and grab opportunity with both hands? Here at #TeamNRG and #BeAGameChanger we believe anything and everything I possible. What ever you want to do we can help you make it happen. Just ask.


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