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This Saturday I turn 50! And as with all milestones it makes you reflect doesn’t it. Am I getting too comfortable? Have my goals for this past year been big enough?

I’m going to celebrate the day itself by going on a 65km vintage bike ride through the Loire Valley. The whole town is taken over for the weekend by thousands of vintage bikes and riders – its quiet spectacular!

So in honour of all things vintage (including myself) I thought we’d go back in time through and bring back some my favourite vintage #weeklyNRG posts.

River by remote french village sunset

From July 2020, "Want to ‘Live the Dream’? It’s all about actioning your goals!" , is a reminder how important it is to action your goals not just set them. Summer 2020 – 2021 has been an interesting year. Having spent a second summer by the river I can truly say we are getting use to the European way of living.

Open book with laptop, pen and coffee

For the next one, since I’ve taken a couple of days off here and there recently. (Well, it is supposed to be August. Not sure anyone told the weather.) So, in preparation I’ve been thinking about what to delegate to #teamNRG. This Blog, "To delegate or not to delegate", from October 25th, 2019, reminds us of the importance and benefits of good delegation.

Father walking his son through a forest lit up by golden sun ray

From October 14th 2020, "You have the strength within!", this blog is one I come back to often. Every time I read it I get something new from the words. This weekend its reminded me to be patient. Those of you that know me know I don’t like waiting for things. But sometime, just sometimes you have to wait. I’m learning to be patient – sometimes it’s hard.

You make your day blog post image of smiley face drawn into window condensation

"You make your day!" December 1st 2020,happens to be one of the blogs that has received a bit more attention, and re-reading it, I can see why! It's been a great reminder to me of how not to get swept away by a "bad day" and make it your own. The "bad day" I talk about can now stand as a lovely memory.

80:20 infographic represent 80/20 rule

Finally from November 29th 2020, "The 80/20 rule" has been a strong principle that deserves revisiting. “There are a vital few and trivial manyas said by Brian Tracey hopefully rings a bell, but how exactly we should take advantage of this needs your extra attention.


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