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Time for the chick to fly the nest.

Three Seagull grey and black spotted chick babies sitting in a nest

For those of you who have been following my social media you may have seen we have been following nesting seagulls on the roof opposite our office.

It was lovely to watch the pair of birds build the nest, sit in the glorious sun of spring protecting the egg. Not so great to watch the seagull having to sit there in the middle of a storm a couple of days later. The bird really did have to hanker down.

Anyway, I went away for a week – wondering, whether I’d miss the hatching?

20 days later, arriving back in the office I discovered we had the chick. Sitting by the nest, all fluffy and brown. Mum would move, baby would follow. Mum would speak, baby would squeak. In the hot sun the baby would sit underneath the mummy seagulls’ body – it was that small. What a wonderful sight.

(At this point I must say – I know most people think seagulls are nasty vermin type birds. I get that, I don’t know how many chips they have pinched from me on Penarth Pier. However, all species of gull are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and the Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order 1985.)

This morning the chick has made a small jump away from mummy and is exploring a second roof top area in a more independent way. I wasted a good 10mins watching it explore the various downpipes, ridges, and roof tiles.

You might wonder why I’m going on about nesting seagulls and their chicks.

Well, this week one of our very own chicks flew the coop! Yes, Lewis found a role in his dream field (creative arts) and has decided to leave us. We are so pleased for him, but sad for The Nicola Rylett Group.

He will be sorely missed.

But let’s face it, that was the point of the Kickstart Scheme. 6 months to develop skills, knowledge, and confidence. Giving young people a better chance at getting a job/keeping the job. Lewis had been with me since December (as an intern and after that as part of the scheme) and during that time I had seen him grow in confidence, develop new skills, learn new systems, work more independently, and challenge his thinking. Bravo Lewis!

It’s been a pleasure help Lewis. Investing my time and NRG into supporting him was as motivational for me as it was instructive for him. It’s the same with Caitlin. Seeing these young people grow reminds me why I love what I do.

"My job is not to be easy on people. My job is to take these great people we have and to push them and make them even better." — Steve Jobs

Mentoring and coaching others is great for your mental and physical wellbeing. Its inspiring, interesting, and fulfilling. You learn from them; they learn from you. Connecting with others is important to me. Reminding them of their strengths, bigging them up whilst supporting them to conquer their challenges, helping them see another point of view. I do all this for one reason…

To help someone become the best version of themselves they can be.

This is one of the reasons why we created UniqueNRG – A game changing leadership programme.


  • If you're hungry to level up your success mindset and put the work in to do what it takes to achieve greatness, whatever that means for you.

  • If you feel stuck and you know you'll only get that step up by improving and learning a new way to think, lead and succeed.

  • If you want to take the leap of faith in your people, your product, and yourself. Consistently grow, pivot and push, and take everyone with you on the ride. And always do the right thing.

Give me a call and I’ll talk you through it.

A final note - Congratulations to Lewis, I’m glad I was able to play a small part in what will no doubt be an amazing career. Can’t wait to celebrate with you tomorrow eve.


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