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These shoes where made for walking!

#Movemoremonth - April 2021

I think I can say this for most of us that during our lockdown experience, exercising has been a hot topic. Whether it was the lack of equipment available to buy at the beginning of last year or the timing of gyms and swimming pools being allowed to open, exercise has not been far from the conversation.

One thing about this lockdown I did not think was going to affect me the way it has is walking. I love it! Not only is it a great form of exercise, but you also spend time with loved ones, and we get to go outside in the fresh air! (Personal side note – a dear old aunt of mine used to walk 8miles a day, right up until she was 85. Maybe her love of walking has rubbed off on me.)

Walking is man’s best medicine. Hippocrates

The NHS website even says that “walking is an over-looked form of exercise and walking briskly can help build stamina, burn excess calories and your heart healthier.” (Personal side note - My niece has just taken up walking during the latest lockdown and lost 3 stone!!!!) This has made me realise that although I may have not spent 30 minutes on a treadmill or doing a cardio workout when I walk10,000 steps a day I am exercising. Even though I have been trying to keep doing 10,000 steps a day, it has been difficult to maintain. Simply walking to the car, around the office, or walking to get lunch has been tough especially on busy workdays.

I decided to do something about this.

I have challenged myself and #teamNRG to do a combined 1 million steps over 30 days in April as part of the #movemoremonth. The aim is simple: To get up and get moving.

I bet you are thinking 1 million steps - that is crazy! However, it is roughly 11,111 steps a day each. Now that seems like a much more achievable goal! We will be each doing 1200 (to make up for those busy days when we might not hit the number.)

We’ll be documenting and updating you all with our progress every week. #movemorejourney!

Although, lockdown’s end is in sight and gyms are re-opening soon here’s an idea - let’s do this together! Why not challenge yourself and join us. Ask a couple of friends or family to do the challenge with you and document in the comments how you are finding it!

So, join us. Get up and get moving!



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