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The Wonder & Power of Learning

open books with papers in pages, pencils ontop showing power of learning

Last thursday, 16th Feb 2023, marked the 2-year work anniversary of our very our Caitlin. Where did that time go? Its amazing to think about all the activities and achievements we’ve managed in that short time. I can’t even start to list them all.

Our organisation has grown.

Our client base has grown.

Our work and our expertise have grown.

All this transformation has to be all down to our growth mindset.

I asked Caitlin to write a blog in celebration of the 2 years. You can read her comments below, she demonstrates perfectly how having a growth mind set not only helps you achieve more than you thought possible but also increases your appetite to want to do more. It is part of one of the big motivators.

Finally, before I hand over to Caitlin, I’d like to add a personal note of thanks for all her hard work, her curiosity, her open mindedness, her courage and her consistency. Caitlin, you are an amazing young person who not only supports me and #teamNRG but you also inspire me to be better, to do more, to try different. Thanks for everything you have taught me. I only hope you are as proud of yourself as I am of you. #Bravo!

Over to you Caitlin…

What I’ve Learnt from #teamNRG 2 Years Later

If you have been following Nicola’s blog, you might know that 2 years ago today I joined #TeamNRG. Nicola had to remind me that my 2 years were this week, I would have forgotten as it feels like just yesterday that I walked into Nicolas’s office, bright eyed and ready to learn, and learn I did.

Here’s a summary of what I’ve learnt over the last 2 years from Nicola and working at The Nicola Rylett Group:

  • Failing isn’t a negative thing – Everything I “failed” at in the past has given me the chance to learn an important lesson.

  • The willingness to learn - Learning a new skill sometimes means just trying something you have never done before even if it means if not necessary in your job role.

  • Working in a SME allows for more growth easily as there is so many areas to try that you might have not thought you were interested in if you never had the opportunity.

  • Attention to detail – this is just a staple that I will always think about and that I still work on to this day.

  • Motivation is production – I always struggle with motivation but realising this (Thanks to Nicola) was a big push. Now celebrating small wins allows me to be motivated to get the next win.

  • Be more lobster – Going out of my comfort zone was something I never thought I would enjoy. However, now I thieve in it. I’ve done so many things I never thought I would do like:

    • Going to networking conferences with Nicola and on my own!!

    • Communicating with clients!

    • Taking the lead with our interns.

    • Passing my driving test and bought a car (Been driving for a year now!)

    • Joining not only 1 football team but 2 (11 a side and 7 a side. I’m a keeper for any football fans).

    • Joining the gym!

    • Doing a CIM Marketing course at the local college! (Passed my first exam with a Distinction, whoop whoop. Now on the first essay out of two).

  • Take breaks – everyone deserves a holiday. I’ve officially got my passport and I’m going on my first holiday abroad in over 10 years this June!! This one is way out of my comfort zone as it will be the first time without family.

Just like to say a thank you to Nicola for everything. She is a true leader and mentor and I’m lucky to have such a role model in my life.

What is one lesson you have learnt that you pass on to people all the time?


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