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The Power of Refection in Business.

Many business leaders agree that reflection is great for business performance. Whether it is self-reflection or team reflection, the ability to look back at something that has happened and learn a lesson, develop a new way or doing something or identifying an opportunity means I believe reflection is vital. It is also a very an empowering process.

It is so important that in some careers (medicine for example) reflective practice is part of how you keep your registration/medical license.

How often do you reflect on your business?

Is it something you do daily, weekly, monthly or ad hoc, like after a big event?

Marilynne Robinson said in her novel ‘Gilead’

“When we reflect, we are our own teacher, through reflection, we bring consciousness to something we already know (at the unconscious level) and teach ourselves.”

I have a set plan; I reflect daily (first thing in the morning, also at the end of the working day), weekly (Sunday) and monthly (1st day of the month). It helps me make sense of what is happening. We are constantly bombarded with information, processing decisions at speed, and the speed at which we are working is getting quicker and quicker. Reflection helps me take a breath and think.

My daily reflection keeps me focused on the tasks I need to accomplish. It also helps me focus on the positive skills I have, getting me through the week.

Weekly reflection helps me identify things that went well, but also things that need some improvement. I identify and set my personal development agenda after these sessions.

Monthly reflection helps me celebrate achievements and set the goals for the coming month.

These are the 5 common steps in reflective practice

Self-Awareness, Description, Critical Analysis, Review, New learning conclusions and next steps.

Here are some of the questions I ask myself (Not all at the same time, god you would be there for hours.)

What am I grateful for?

What did I achieve?

Whats going well and why?

Where did I see the desired results and why?

What habits do I need to start or stop?

Where can I be a better leader?

Do I need to upgrade my skills or knowledge in any way?

What negative attitudes need to be overcome?

Whats most challenging and how can I turn it into an opportunity?

What am I happy about right now?

How am I using my time?

How can I prioritise better?

What do I fear, how is it holding me back? How can I change that?

Why not pick a positive time of the day for you, slow down your thoughts and reflect? Find somewhere quiet, switch off the tech, grab something to capture your thoughts and spend a little time reflecting. It could be talking to yourself, going for a walk, taking a bubble bath or reflecting with others.

Bring forward those unconscious thoughts and do something about them.

Further Reading.

In this Forbes article is says “emotionally intelligent workers can navigate and outperform their peers in a situation.”

Daily Greatness

I use to help me reflect. In the past I have had both the business and the original Journals.

Lone tree by lake reflecting the tree and night sky


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