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Management In Ten Words by Terry Leahy

Management in 10 words by Terry Leahy red book cover

Read if you need a refresh on:

  • Business Management and Leadership

  • Business Priorities

  • Building a high performing business culture

Summary from Amazon: In his fourteen years as CEO of Tesco, Sir Terry Leahy not only turned the company into the largest supermarket chain in the UK but also transformed it into a global enterprise. As a result, Sir Terry is now one of the world's most admired business leaders, widely acclaimed for his drive, flair and no-nonsense approach.

In Management in 10 Words he draws on his experience and expertise to pinpoint the ten vital attributes that make successful managers and underlie great organisations, explaining:

- Why initial failure often leads to ultimate success.

- Why profits stem from a company's values, not its day-to-day business.

- Why competition should always be welcomed.

- Why simplicity leads to innovation.

- Why trust is the bedrock of effective leadership.

The result is an inspiring, thoughtful and supremely practical guide that will prove invaluable to all managers in all types of organisation.



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