Some of you might have already started planning for 2020, but I tend leave it a little later.

I use the time over the Christmas break (e.g. - last few weeks of December) to reflect on the past 12 months and look forward to what I want to achieve in the next year. You are probably familiar with the five golden rules of goal setting….here is a quick reminder:
Make sure the goals motivate you – no point in picking something that you are not that bothered about. You have to really want to make it different.
Make sure they are smart – always remember two numbers and they mostly likely be smart.
Write them down – there are lots of ways to do this; dream board, journal, app, spreadsheet.
Action them – do at least 10 – 15 mins specifically on your goals.
Stick to it – each and everyday day.
Points three, four and five are the most important aspects of goal setting to me. It’s the implementation and action that means you achieve your goals. So yes, spend time thinking about your goals and making them smart, but spend more time getting them down on paper, developing the plan of action and doing something however small.
Then the final ‘magic’ ingredient – share your goals with people who support and love you. A mentor, a business partner, a significant other. By saying them out loud and telling others, you are in effect committing to getting them done. So….I’d love to hear your goals. Let me know what you are going to achieve in the next 12 months.
FYI - I’ll share mine with you all in the New Year, that way you can all keep me accountable.