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Does my bum look big in this?

Frog laying down in the mirror


  1. Information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement.

  2. A screeching or humming sound resulting from the return of a fraction of the output signal from an amplifier, microphone, or other device to the input of the same device.

In this #weeklydigest were talking about definition number one!

How often do you give constructive feedback? How often do people feedback to you?

According to Harvard Business Review, 72% of people feel their performance would improve if their managers provided corrective feedback. In fact, the same survey found that 57% of people prefer corrective feedback to purely praise and recognition.

“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” – Bill Gates


Whether it’s from customers on your product/ services or colleagues about the way you work/ perform in your job, without feedback how can we expect to learn, grown and make improvements. It’s a vital tool to support a high performing team. It opens communication channels improving colleague working relationships and employee engagement.

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” – Ken Blanchard

There are lots of ways to give feedback; 121 coaching, official appraisal, and 360 reviews are the main ways your probably thinking about as you read this blog. Whenever and how-ever you give feedback, a couple of things are really important in preparing to get the best, most positive outcome from the interaction.

  • Your intent

  • Your focus

  • Timing, pace and place

  • Positive thoughts – look for the best in people.

  • Does everyone understand the standards you have set and expect


There are several models to help you keep focused on the task to help you achieve a great colleague interaction every time you feedback

  • EAC - Evaluation/Appreciation/Coaching

  • SBI - Situation/Behaviour/Impact

  • IBICC - Intent/Behaviour/Impact/Curious/Conscious choice

The internet is full of information about feedback models, so I’ve not gone into too much detail here. Let me know if you want more info. I have a whole workshop on the models and how to build a culture of feedback in your work place.


Moving on, often what puts us all off from giving feedback is the reaction of others; The person becomes defensive and challenges you. They are shocked and angry, or become emotional and argumentative. They are non-committal and reluctant to accept your input. Not many of us like conflict with colleagues and so we’d rather keep a false harmony than take the time to feedback in a proper and caring way. The HEAR model below helps you when individuals respond negatively to your feedback.

  1. HEAR - and articulate their reaction in a non-judgemental way.

  2. EXPLORE - what’s driving their reaction?

  3. ACKNOWLEDGE - and validate what you hear the person saying.

  4. REFOCUS – the individual about what’s true about the feedback and what they can do about it.

Green smiling positive cool pig statue


BL Fredrickson said there is a tipping point where teams become high performing, flourish & build resilience. When positive emotions outweigh negative emotions at a ratio of 3 to 1 people begin to flourish.

There is also some actual chemistry in our conversations with each other. When we face criticism, rejection or fear our bodies produce higher level of cortisol – the chemical shuts down our thinking brain & activates fight or flight mode – we become more reactive & sensitive. Positive comments & conversations produce a chemical too – oxytocin – a feel good that raises our ability to communicate, collaborate and trust others.

“Make feedback normal. Not a performance review.” – Ed Batista


To develop a high performing workplace, you must build/ encourage a feedback culture. That means feedback needs to happen more than once a year. It needs to become second nature. Like breathing, it’s a fundamental activity that keeps the workplace alive.

Feedback is really important to #teamNRG. We spend a lot of time thinking about it, doing it and encouraging others to do it.

So please do send us your feedback - about these weekly digests? About how we work with you? About our social media? Anything really.


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