Pride. Remember the last time you were proud? That warm fuzzy glow of smugness and achievement surrounding you. The increase in self-respect, self-esteem, self-assurance, self-worth you felt. Wouldn’t it be great if you achieved this feeling every day? People who experience pride and who are proud of themselves more often tend to have higher standards. They have more resilience to negative thoughts and are great at motivating others. They are generally more positive too.
Pride comes from an achievement or an accomplishment. May be from something you never thought you would do? It could come from overcoming some adversity or accepting and dealing with a challenging outcome at work. Wherever it comes from, you will have probably had to work at it, moved out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there. Pride comes after hard work and change.
Hence #100daysofchange challenge.
In the last #weeklyNRG I ended with this quote from Socrates “The secret of change is to focus your energy, not on fighting the old but building the new”.
Well, the #BeAGameChanger program is doing just that over the next 100days. Starting today my Co-founder (Alex) and I are embarking on a 100days of change. Over the 100days we are going to make small incremental steps to change 4 things that really matter to us both. We are going to build the new reality.
I’m focusing on
1) Quality not Quantity. Whether its buying clothes or projects at work I am going to focus on the quality of the thing not the quantity of it. My hope is that I will appreciate the beauty of the item. I’m going to slow down to speed up.
2) Healthy Choices. I want to lose 2st in weight. Normally I would have just pounded the treadmill, but lately that hasn’t been working. So, I am going to focus on increasing my strength, to see if I can increase my metabolism. I am also work on making healthy food and drink choices rather than dieting.
3) Joy & Laughter. I have a photo on my desk of me laughing my head off. It’s a reminder to me every day that I should be enjoying this thing called life. Do I know what makes me happy – YES. On a practical level I’m going to visit the theatre more often, grab a facial with a friend just because we can. Dance round the living room to disco music (on my own) just because I love it.
4). Vive La Paris. My long-term plan is to live with my husband in the Loire region of France. A couple of issues… We found the dream cottage on the river but it’s a little rundown. I also don’t speak French. So, over the next 100 days I am going to learn conversation French and by summer 2022 launch my French Gite business.
So, fancy joining us? Why not make one change and practice it every day, and before our 100 days is up, it'll be an unconscious and automatic behaviour. Pretty cool? Or do something different every day and see what sticks. Life is a big bag of experiments because you don't know unless you try.
Follow our social media channels (below) where we'll share our intentions over the next 100 days. Tag us and let us know what you're up to, how we can help and if you get stuck, we're right in your corner. We'd love to cheer you on.
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How Proud are you going to feel at the end of #110daysofchange?